Subtotal: ₹23.84 (incl. VAT)
₹2,358.82 ₹1,886.82
Social/Emotional Milestones,
Language/Communication Milestones,
Cognitive Milestones (learning, thinking, problem-solving),
Movement/Physical Development Milestones
Notices when others are hurt or upset, like pausing or looking sad when someone is crying*
Looks at your face to see how to react in a new situation *
Points to things in a book when you ask, like “Where is the bear?” *
Says at least two words together, like “More milk.” *
Points to at least two body parts when you ask him to show you *
Uses more gestures than just waving and pointing, like blowing a kiss or nodding yes *
Holds something in one hand while using the other hand; for example, holding a container and taking the lid off *
Tries to use switches, knobs, or buttons on a toy *
Plays with more than one toy at the same time, like putting toy food on a toy plate *
Kicks a ball *
Runs *
Walks (not climbs) up a few stairs with or without help *
Eats with a spoon *
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