Premium Development Kit for Baby of 4 Year Age

5,310.00 4,954.82

Social/Emotional Milestones,  

Language/Communication Milestones, 

 Cognitive Milestones (learning, thinking, problem-solving),  

Movement/Physical Development Milestones 

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Pretends to be something else during play (teacher, superhero, dog) * 

Asks to go play with children if none are around, like “Can I play with Alex?” * 

Comforts others who are hurt or sad, like hugging a crying friend * 

Avoids danger, like not jumping from tall heights at the playground * 

Likes to be a “helper” * 

Changes behavior based on where she is (place of worship, library, playground) * 

Says sentences with four or more words * 

Says some words from a song, story, or nursery rhyme” * 

Talks about at least one thing that happened during his day, like “I played soccer.” * 

Answers simple questions like “What is a coat for?” or “What is a crayon for?” * 

Names a few colors of items * 

Tells what comes next in a well-known story * 

Draws a person with three or more body parts * 

Catches a large ball most of the time * 

Serves herself food or pours water, with adult supervision* 

Unbuttons some buttons * 

Holds crayon or pencil between fingers and thumb (not a fist) *