Executive Development Kit for Baby of 15 Month Age

4,246.82 3,538.82

Social/Emotional Milestones,  

Language/Communication Milestones, 

 Cognitive Milestones (learning, thinking, problem-solving),  

Movement/Physical Development Milestones 

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Copies other children while playing, like taking toys out of a container when another child does * 

Shows you an object she likes * 

Hugs stuffed doll or other toy * 

Claps when excited * 

Shows you affection (hugs, cuddles, or kisses you) * 

Tries to say one or two words besides “mama” or “dada,” like “ba” for ball or “da” for dog * 

Looks at a familiar object when you name it * 

Follows directions given with both a gesture and words. For example, she gives you a toy when you hold out your hand and say, “Give me the toy”. * 

Points to ask for something or to get help * 

Tries to use things the right way, like a phone, cup, or book * 

Stacks at least two small objects, like blocks * 

Takes a few steps on his own * 

Uses fingers to feed herself some food *